DOME SPP 2238 – Phase 2: 2024-2026
Geochemical fingerprinting of volcanogenic massive sulfide systems using accessory minerals
Volcanogenic massive sulfide (VMS) deposits are major sources of copper and zinc and contain significant amounts of gold, silver, lead, selenium, cadmium, bismuth, and tin. They account for 22% of the world’s Zn production, 9.7% of Pb, and 6% of Cu, making them key exploration targets for the mineral industry and essential suppliers of technology metals for the low-carbon energy transition. Nevertheless, the discovery rate of mineral deposits is declining because most shallow high-grade deposits have already been discovered. Increasing the success of discovering concealed and deeply buried targets requires more effective tools to detect large-scale mineral systems and to allow explorers to vector from barren or weakly mineralized units to the economic cores of the systems. In the last decade, many studies have focused on mineral exploration tools based on fertility indicators and chemical vectoring to assist mineral exploration.
This project aims to evaluate the potential of accessory minerals as recorders of mineralizing processes and as pathfinders for mineralization in VMS districts that have undergone metamorphism and have a complex history. To this end, we aim to compare mineralized, hydrothermally altered (proximal), and unaltered (distal) rocks within VMS provinces with complex geological histories. We will conduct petrographic studies and high-resolution imaging combined with microprobe, LA-ICP-MS analysis, stable isotopes, and geochronology. This will allow us to (1) establish the paragenetic sequence and timing of formation of the minerals, (2) identify the chemical signatures of the phases of interest across the metallogenetic province, and (3) find potential correlations between different provinces. We further aim to use machine learning to process the datasets and to identify patterns and trends in the datasets that can be used for mineral exploration. This proposal will contribute to DOME’s focus on hydrothermal ore deposits in ancient marine settings and has the potential to generate new concepts around the genesis of the orebodies and associated driving mechanisms, which will, in turn, contribute to improving exploration strategies in Europe and beyond.
Preliminary work
Preliminary work conducted during the Melts-Fluids-Models (MFM) project funded by the first funding period of DOME suggests a ubiquitous occurrence of phosphate minerals (apatite, monazite, xenotime, florencite), hydrothermal zircon, and TiO2-polymorphs (Fig. 1), in volcanic rocks associated with VMS mineralization in the Iberian Pyrite Belt (IPB). At the Sesmarias prospect (Alvalade property detained by Avrupa Minerals), these phases are present in all three types of volcanic rocks identified (mafic, felsic, and mafic intrusive) as well as in volcaniclastic rocks. There is a clear predominance of apatite and TiO2-polymorphs in mafic (Fig. 1a) and volcaniclastic rocks, which may be related to a local higher availability of P and Ca for apatite formation. This is in line with experimental studies that showed that P solubility in volcanic rocks decreases with the increase of silica, e.g., [1]. Moreover, partial or total dissolution-reprecipitation of Ti-rich phases (e.g., magmatic titanite, ilmenite, rutile) to form TiO2-polymorphs and other Ti-rich phases (e.g., brookite, pseudobrookite) is a common feature. Even though apatite and TiO2-polymorphs are less common in felsic rocks, when present, they usually form clusters or occur along alteration planes with zircon (Fig. 1c, d). It is likely that due to high solubility in hydrothermal fluids, zircon and Ti-rich phases dissolve and reprecipitate locally, forming minute TiO2-polymorphs and zircon (or zirconia) during the hydrothermal alteration (Fig. 1c, d). Moreover, the coexistence of TiO2-polymorphs, apatite, and sulfide mineralization has been observed in one sample (Fig. 1b), where textural evidence suggests that apatite forms together with pyrite overgrowths and sericite.
At Neves Corvo, only samples with tin mineralization from the Corvo orebody have been studied [2], and therefore, it is unclear whether the volcanics also have considerable amounts of phosphate minerals and Ti-rich phases. In samples from the stockwork (Sn stringer mineralization), apatite coexists with cassiterite, quartz, and pyrite [2]. Late tectonic-metamorphic events are responsible for the fracturing of the grains (Fig. 1e), and the fractures are filled by a new generation of quartz and remobilized-reprecipitated chalcopyrite, stannite, sphalerite, and galena (not shown). One sample is also marked by the occurrence of xenotime associated with cassiterite, quartz, and minor pyrite and chlorite (Fig. 1f). The samples investigated are hosted by volcaniclastic rocks and black shales, and therefore, it is speculated that Y, REE, and P are mobilized from the host units into the stockwork during hydrothermal alteration. In addition, Florencite [REEAl3(PO4)2(OH)6] has been observed in the stockwork veinlets close to the contact with the host rock. Phosphates at Neves Corvo, in particular apatite and xenotime, have been identified for the first time during the MFM project; minor amounts of florencite were also reported by [3].
Microprobe backscattered images (BSE) showing strong chloritization and carbonatization of dacite from the Sesmarias prospect. The foliation is defined by pre-metamorphic (hydrothermal) chlorite (Chl I), whereas syn- to post-metamorphic chlorite (Chl II) forms large aggregates with calcite (Cc). Apatite (Ap) occurs oriented along the foliation plans suggesting deposition coeval with Chl I.
BSE image showing a replacive pyrite horizon at the contact between a volcaniclastic rock and rhyodacite. Two generations of pyrite are recognized: porous pyrite (Py I) replacing the host rock and subhedral pyrite overgrowths (Py II). Sulfide deposition is accompanied by sericitization (ser) and precipitation of apatite (Ap) and TiO2-polymorphs (TiO2*). Note that apatite occurs in the alteration zone and is included in Py II (see inset). Pyrite II is overgrown by galena (Gal) - late veinlets.
BSE image showing the relationship between cassiterite, xenotime (Xtm), chlorite, and quartz in the tin stockwork at Neves Corvo. Abbreviations: albite (Ab), ankerite (Ank), and sericite (Ser).
Microprobe backscattered images (BSE) showing strong chloritization and carbonatization of dacite from the Sesmarias prospect. The foliation is defined by pre-metamorphic (hydrothermal) chlorite (Chl I), whereas syn- to post-metamorphic chlorite (Chl II) forms large aggregates with calcite (Cc). Apatite (Ap) occurs oriented along the foliation plans suggesting deposition coeval with Chl I.
In summary, the data being collected during the MFM project shows that the nature and role of phosphate minerals and TiO2-polymorphs is poorly understood and that they have the potential to be used as indicator minerals and/or preserve signatures of the fertility VMS systems, i.e., geochemical signatures that indicate petrological processes of the volcanic host rocks that may influence the formation of VMS deposits. Nonetheless, as mentioned above, a detailed study focusing only on accessory phases and the processes that led to their formation is critical to understand the main controls on trace element distribution and the implications of their use in VMS geochemical exploration.
[1] Tollari N, Toplis MJ, Barnes SJ. Predicting phosphate saturation in silicate magmas: An experimental study of the effects of melt composition and temperature. Geochim Cosmochim Acta. 2006;70(6):1518-1536. doi:10.1016/j.gca.2005.11.024
[2] Codeço, M. S ., Gleeson, S. A., Barrote, V., Harlov, D., Kusebauch, C., Koch-Müller, M., Relvas, J.M., Schmidt, C., Schleicher, A., Stammeier, J. A., Syczewski, M. D., and Wilke, F. D. (under review). Textural, mineralogical, and geochemical evidence for apatite metasomatism and REE mobility within the Corvo orebody at the Neves Corvo Cu-Zn-Pb(-Sn) VMS deposit (Iberian Pyrite Belt).
[3] Carvalho JRS, Relvas JMRS, Pinto AMM, et al. Indium and selenium distribution in the Neves-Corvo deposit, Iberian Pyrite Belt, Portugal. Mineral Mag. 2018;82(S1):S5-S41. doi:10.1180/minmag.2017.081.079
Research Group
Rebecca Volkmann (Postdoc) GFZ Potsdam
Marta Codeço (Project design) Univ. Arizona
Sarah Gleeson (PI) GFZ Potsdam
Valby van Schijndel GFZ Potsdam
Jorge Relvas University of Lisbon
Mark Hannington University of Ottawa